Hey, guys, Storm here. I am starting a new blog series called Storm's Dragonpedia. Here I will post all different kinds of dragons. I might add dragons from novels like types of dragons from Wings of Fire or Eragon, for example.
So, to start it off, I am going to talk about the two types of dragons that all dragons are separated into. Eastern Dragons and Western Dragons.
Eastern (Left) and Western (Right) Dragon fighting |
The first one I am going to go over is the Western Dragon. Western Dragons are the kinds that you probably first think of when you think of a dragon. They are the kinds that you have read in stories where the dragons eat knights and hoard treasure. Most of them (With a few exceptions that I will get into later) have four legs and two wings. Most of them have long a long tail and neck. They have scales that run down their whole body, and usually have spikes going down from the top of the neck all the way down to the tail.
Western Dragon |
Now, Eastern Dragons, on the other hand, are the ones that you would see in Asia. Most Eastern Dragons can shape-shift into a human or any creature. They usually have long, snake-like bodies with no wings, unlike most Western Dragons. They usually have scaly bodies with fur in places, notably it's head and muzzle. Also, a lot of Eastern Dragons have two antlers on top of their head, like a deer would.
Eastern Dragon |
As you can see, they differ immensely, and I have only covered the basics about those two types of dragons. I will go deeper into each type in later posts. What is your favorite type of dragon? Eastern or Western? Tell me in the comments below! :)